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Vibration & Noise Monitoring

Vibration and noise monitoring can be critical when blasting must be employed near sensitive homes or structures. G&A can provide third-party, non-biased, legal documentation of vibration and noise levels such as peak particle velocity, frequency, and air over-pressure in linear decibels.

Vibration Monitor Event Report thumb

Click to Enlarge

A Fast Fourier Transform converts data from the time domain into the frequency domain for frequency analysis. The US Bureau of Mines (USBM) and the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) have established that structural damage due to ground vibration is frequency dependent. The analysis of waveforms through FFT can be a useful tool for vibration control in sensitive areas.

Fast Fourier Transform, FFT thumb

Click to Enlarge

G&A also provides pre- and post-blast observation reports, including video documentation, often required by city, county or state regulations.
